Contextualized lessons for each student since they need more time and attention,
need their strengths to be polished, and need to be monitored for growth via
weekly assessments. We don’t trim standards when it comes to registering tutors
since we think a knowledgeable and qualified tutor may truly change a student’s life.
Get homework help, exam preparation and practice, understand a topic, or you can get help with any exam. We guarantee proven results; our students see an average test score increase. Students work with the same trusted tutor for as long as it takes to achieve their goals.
Find the Tutor That best fits your requirements.
Note down lectures and work on your weaknesses for better results.
After the tutoring period ends, students and teachers can review each other for the betterment.
We aim to create a better learning experience for our generations.
The assigned tutor will assess the student on the basis of knowledge and information.
The tutor will then list down the steps to take for improving the student.
Taking along the student while listing goals for a particular subject or topic.
Result-oriented tutoring services.
This option is perfect for the students living abroad and in cities of Pakistan where there no registered tutors.
Online classes provide an opportunity for the teachers to change lives, contribute to the education system, and impact their knowledge to others. On the other hand, you as a student, can balance your work with your education.
Our focus is on innovative techniques and up-to-date studying material. No matter what your background is, either Sindh, Federal, Agha khan, Punjab board, or Cambridge system, we have tutors that will fit into your educational puzzle just right. We have short-listed Tutors from all of the mentioned backgrounds and they are devoted and passionate about helping students. Get assistance in all core subjects and get better grades.
Enhanced learning program
Your satisfaction is guaranteed
With tutors registering every day.
We at Study Cluster believe in making a difference in young and energetic Tutors and needy students’ lives by providing the help both occupations require. Here are some statistics on the endeavors we have undertaken.
The number of well-chosen, qualified tutors available to support your success
The total number of students who have ever conducted studies from our best teachers
Discuss with the tutee the amount of time necessary to complete each part of their task.
CEO at StudyCluster
Study Cluster came into being in the first half of 2020 when Covid-19 was on high alert. Students were in need of education despite the fact of the chaotic surroundings. The website helped 1000 plus students amidst lockdown and became a means of income for 100 above teachers from Karachi and Islamabad. We are looking forward to only growing the happy and happening team of teachers, and making a difference in the lives of many students